Short wave 1-30MHz area coverage prediction HPF MUF FOT for HAM radio operators.With this App you can create the coverage map for HPF, MUF and FOT based on the location QTH of your radio station TX defined by latitude and longitude and minimum radiation angle.Coverage maps are produced by calculating a huge amount of point-to-point circuits from the transmitter to a world wide receiver grid of 88 x 64, This are 5632 point-to-point calculations of the HF path for 24 hour of the day. A SAMSUNG Galaxy II will need less than 1 minute to compute the maps, valid for the selected month. The used algorithm are based on the HFMUFES FORTRAN library as used by HFMUFESW, IONCAP or VOACAP but ported to JAVA classes. The last computation is retained and a new computation will be done at changed entry values only. Ionospheric data are inside the JAVA classes for all months and sun spot number 10, 30, 60, 90, 120 and 150
During map view you can switch between HPF, MUF, FOT and each hour of the day (UTC). The display will be on as long the map view is shown. There are a bunch of different color palettes that can be selected. The current selection is retained at App exit, so you must go back to the main menu to have the map saved. Later when you touch draw the map button again the the last version is shown. To compute again, modify an entry value, month or ssn.Gray-line (dawn zone) and the position of the sun is adjusted for each hour.
At each touch in the right area the day time (UTC) is increased, in the left screen area UTC is decreased.Watch the touch area functions displayed during the computation.
At the Highest Possible Frequency HPF, communication can be supported on 10% of the days (3 days) in the month. At the Frequency of Optimum Traffic FOT, 90% of the days (27 days) in the month and at the Median Maximum Usable Frequency MUF, 50% of the days (15 days) in the month.